Chris Barnes’ Recent Short List? (Updated 9/15)

Atlanta’s Chris Barnes is a PF/C prospect in the recruiting class of 2007. He is an “under the radar name” on whom the NC State staff has been making a big recent push despite the fact that’s database does not include a mention of the Wolfpack.

To this point, Barnes has set official visits for Florida and Kentucky and not for NC State. Today, we ran across a Kentucky blog that shared the following:

Barnes told me tonight that he has narrowed down his choices to Kentucky, Cincinnati, Florida and Wichita St. He has scheduled official visits to Kentucky and Florida (does Florida just recruit EVERYBODY?) and that Tubby Smith is scheduled to do an in-home visit with him next week. His father spoke glowingly of Tubby and said that as soon as Smith began recruiting Chris, his son “just lit up.� Like Marshall Moses and AJ Stewart, the kid seems to not only like, but love, the prospect of attending UK.

At this point, we do not know if you can keep Barnes on your evolving list of potential Wolfpack recruits for next year or not.

We’ll keep our eyes and ears out.

Updated 9/15/06:
The following comments were provided in the comments section and we thought that they would wrap up this entry perfectly:

As far as big men appears we have quite a few surfacing on our radar right now.

5 Stars- JJ Hickson- Rumor has it we had a in-home visit with him tonight and he will be visitng for the BC game!

4 Stars- Tracy Wright- Everyone says it right now it appears we are in a battle with Ok. State.

3 Stars- Mike Scott- Scout shows we have offered him and are in the mix.

3 Stars- Chris Barnes- In the mix for him as well per this article.

All kids would be great additions to the program. I would be thrilled to add Wright and either Scott or Barnes. I would say it is basically a MUST to sign one of them as we are short on big men. Hickson would be the homerun for sure! He would be a starter from day one probably along with Chris Wright. Wow…what a class it would be! Wright and Hickson!! (Throw in Smith?) And now…I just came back down to earth. lol If the rumor of JJ coming to the BC game is true, we have to show him the same love we did for CW!!

^We’d recommend not to forget 3F/4F Jeff Brooks who was featured at Pack Pride today in an article titled, “Brooks in no hurry”.

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19 Responses to Chris Barnes’ Recent Short List? (Updated 9/15)

  1. Dan 09/14/2006 at 3:15 PM #

    Not Barnes related, but is still running the Rashard Green story. A free full content article was posted recently.

    I cant remember a more bizarre committment story. Not to mention one this quiet for NC State.

  2. StateFans 09/14/2006 at 3:54 PM #

    ^ Agreed

  3. redfred2 09/14/2006 at 4:02 PM #

    I know what you’re saying about the quiet part, but don’t know what you mean exactly by bizarre?

    The story in the link you have is certainly not a celebration, or calling it a major haul for NCSU. Maybe that’s what you’re saying.

  4. wufpack 09/14/2006 at 4:48 PM #

    Green has tried to commit, and there have been multiple articles saying that he has committed, but we have yet to “accept” his commitment. It’s bizarre because there seems to be major miscommunication somewhere. To use a term usually reserved for football, I don’t believe he has a “commitable offer”, yet he and his coach want to tell anyone who will listen that he has committed to NC State. Obviously, NC State can’t officially comment on anyone that hasn’t signed an LOI, but sources close to the program say that he’s not a commitment. Yet these articles continue to pop up with quotes from Green and his coach. Seems pretty bizarre to me.

  5. StateFans 09/14/2006 at 4:52 PM #

    It does seem bizarre…and seems very much like he is a “back-up” on our board and we just want him to sit back and wait on us.

  6. redfred2 09/14/2006 at 4:54 PM #

    thanks wufpack. I’m out of the loop on this one.

    It’s good to see a kid and his coach trying to push his way onto the scene for a change, instead of the reserve.

  7. Dan 09/14/2006 at 7:00 PM #

    It just seems like basketball recruiting in general is keeping itself a little quieter than in the past.

    I dont say that to mean anything about the quality of the recruits that will eventually sign LOI’s. Dont read that into it. It just seems quieter. IMO, that could be good just as easily as it could be bad. Time will tell.

  8. Dan 09/14/2006 at 7:12 PM #


    It seems Chris Barnes may not be as “under the radar” as he once was. He is now listed in the Rivals Top 150 as the #140 player. It does appear he is favoring some of the SEC schools, but Rivals does have us listed as a school garnering limited interest.

    Also, it seems Rivals has reduced the interest level between Chris Wright and Georgetown/Pitt to the same level as the rest of the huge number of schools on his list (including NC State).

    November is going to be interesting

  9. redfred2 09/14/2006 at 9:44 PM #


    I agree with the silent part but it’s that all around it seems. I’m kinda ignorant as to how all the rulings and time frames are set up involving recruiting. If you or someone could please enlighten me as to when to expect to see things really get going. I don’t what’s happening in the background right now. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,
    Clueless ???

  10. Luke12321 09/14/2006 at 9:47 PM #

    As far as big men appears we have quite a few surfacing on our radar right now.

    5 Stars- JJ Hickson- Rumor has it we had a in-home visit with him tonight and he will be visitng for the BC game!

    4 Stars- Tracy Wright- Everyone says it right now it appears we are in a battle with Ok. State.

    3 Stars- Mike Scott- Scout shows we have offered him and are in the mix.

    3 Stars- Chris Barnes- In the mix for him as well per this article.

    All kids would be great additions to the program. I would be thrilled to add Wright and either Scott or Barnes. I would say it is basically a MUST to sign one of them as we are short on big men. Hickson would be the homerun for sure! He would be a starter from day one probably along with Chris Wright. Wow…what a class it would be! Wright and Hickson!! (Throw in Smith?) And now…I just came back down to earth. lol If the rumor of JJ coming to the BC game is true, we have to show him the same love we did for CW!!

  11. redfred2 09/14/2006 at 11:12 PM #

    ^Young Luke,

    Sorry, I’m not a trekie, but I have to do that every time. Was Hickson recruited by HS?

  12. wufpack 09/14/2006 at 11:34 PM #

    Yes, Larry Harris more specifically. That’s why we’re still in it.

  13. ShootingGuard 09/14/2006 at 11:40 PM #


    Yes, Hickson was recruited by the Sendek regime. Actually, Larry Harris was the point man. Larry Harris coming back to State was huge in getting NC State reconnected with Hickson. With the direct link to Hickson back in place, the promised change in style of the new State coach actually worked in State’s favor, for a change. Hickson was a longshot, actually a “no shot,” with the Princeton O as Hickson wants more of a running style. With the charisma of Lowe and Harris, State has a chance, although it will be very tough beating out Billy Ball coming off of that NCAA Title, but…the fact that State is right there as a favorite despite all of the fallout of the regime change as well as the public relations disasters is very encouraging with regard to Lowe’s POTENTIAL as a recruiter…Of course, you have to land these guys or potential is worthless…

  14. packbackr04 09/15/2006 at 9:23 AM #

    as i have said here before, i am more excited about wolfpack basketball than i have been in a very long time!!!! good stuff! I saw poster above mentioned CW has dropped level of interest in Georgetown and Pitt to the same level as other schools. Is there any new info coming out on CW or any of the other recruits and their possible commitments to NC State? In other words When will start to see from commits from this class? I am pumped up! go lock these kids down Sid!

  15. cornellpackfan 09/15/2006 at 11:06 AM #

    Does anyone know which guard postion that Chris Wright prefers or is slated to be in college?

    -Georgetown already has one of the better SG’s in the country committed.
    -most recruiting sites have him slated as a PG that can score, but moreso he is being listed more as a SG

    Hickson is supposed to be between NCSU, UT, and FL.

    -UF already has a really full class. I don’t know how many scholarships they have to give this year but they already have 5 commitments.
    -I think that UT is probably the main challenger here more than FL, because or their full class and also b/c UT plays a pressing style that a player that likes to attack and run the floor will like

    These are two huge recruits, but I think we have some positive momentum with both of them. I hope Lowe can pull this one off.

  16. ShootingGuard 09/15/2006 at 11:20 AM #


    I’m not sure I would trust the Rivals or Scout “interest levels” on Wright, other than simply the list of names itself. Rivals has it one way and Scout has it another way, but neither has been updated in a long time…Mostly because Wright isn’t talking much and seems to prefer weighing it all out on his own in secret…

  17. packbackr04 09/15/2006 at 11:42 AM #

    shooting^ or anyone for that matter, do you know when this group of guys should start to make commits to schools. i know most of the big name 07 guys have already commited, but when should we expect these guys to name a school? i am kinda oblivious as to recruiting

  18. redfred2 09/15/2006 at 1:41 PM #


    Agreed on Lowe, and at least the inroads, with not even a game under his belt.

    Wright is a #1, high octane point guard to the max. At least he’d better be. Otherwise some people around here need to drop their high opinions of the former coach down even a few more Knotches.

  19. ShootingGuard 09/15/2006 at 4:35 PM #


    Wright and Hickson are both scheduled to visit Gtown for Midnight Madness. Unfortunately, that’s mid-October, so we have some antsy wait time to go. Of course, anything could happen with Hickson, so he could pull the trigger early. With Wright, I don’t see him announcing anything until after he has done all of the visiting he has promised and weighs his decision even more carefully this time around. HOPEFULLY, he will consider the Gtown scholarship issue and its required contingencies—underclassmen not getting hurt, having good seasons, and going early to the NBA—as too dicey after what he has already been through with a surprise coaching change…and just decides to stick with his original decision, NC State.

    The word on Tracy Smith has been incredibly quiet from the beginning. I need to do a little work to dig into that one…


    Wright would be absolutely HUGE for the program in every respect, as much about Public Relations recovery as anything else until he actually got on the court in red&white…Wright would give Lowe a big stamp of approval and get the recruiting momentum going…He would inject some value back into the NC State brand far over and above his skills as a basketball player and the fact that he would start at point guard in the ACC from Day 1…

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