5 Games to Decide The ACC

Unless Daniel Evans changes the Wolfpack’s fortunes…and not until State finds a way to knock off Boston College and Florida State…can the Wolfpack truly dream of pulling a major upset and making a run at the ACC Championship (that will then go through games with Georgia Tech and Clemson).

Until ^then…the N&O has outlined the five games that will decide the ACC Championship.

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'06 Football General

8 Responses to 5 Games to Decide The ACC

  1. BJD95 09/21/2006 at 12:41 PM #

    Except for the last one, I agree. Maryland freaking blows.

  2. VaWolf82 09/21/2006 at 2:23 PM #

    I can’t believe that they left off VT vs UM. Even if you think that UM doesn’t have a chance at a conference championship, they are alot more likely to beat VT than MD is to beat FSU.

  3. jwrenn29 09/21/2006 at 4:11 PM #

    OUCH! The ACC DOES suck this football season…at least after the first 3 weeks.

    Go Daniel Evans!

  4. packpigskinfan23 09/21/2006 at 5:09 PM #

    let say the U and Florida St play 4 more times… I am not so sure that UM wouldnt win 3 out of 5…

  5. WolfPup35 09/21/2006 at 7:05 PM #

    FSU sucks this year, let’s all be real, eh? Miami got slammed by Louisville, BC has been VERY fortunate and has a suspect D, Wake is a fraud, lucky break against the Devils and SHOULD have lost to UConn, Clemson will have a reality check over the next few weeks (remember FSU sucks this year and they needed a last minute TD against a bad rush D) There IS a chance, however microscopic, that the Wolfpack could make some noise in the league. The ‘Pack may have lost 2 of 3, but as of right now, they are 0-0 in the ACC. If Daniel can make a bit of noise from under center, and be as assertive in the huddle as Freddie Aughtry-Lindsey said he could….we could be witnesses to a miracle. Keep dreaming, hoping, and believing ’cause ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!! Good luck to Daniel and the rest of those kids, and GO WOLFPACK!!

  6. Glen Sudhop54 09/21/2006 at 7:37 PM #

    Let’s hope for at least 2 ACC wins. Any more would be gravy.

  7. Wulfpack 09/22/2006 at 9:12 AM #

    I agree we can make a whole lot of noise in a down ACC this year. We can also easily finish last in our division. I would like to know how exactly Wake is a fraud? Last time I checked they won their 3 games fair and square. Weak opponents, sure. But wouldn’t one expect Wake to win those games? Granted Wake may only win another 3 games all year, but I’ll tell you this, Grobe gets every ounce out of his guys. Not sure the same can be said for others.

  8. Woof Wolf 09/24/2006 at 8:50 AM #

    Oct 14 Wake Forest @ N C State

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