Scoop’s Rape Scene & Peter King

Scoop has clearly convinced Page 2 editors that proofreading is a form of racism.

Earlier in the month we told you about the great new blog, Kissing Suzy Kolber.

Earlier this week KSK hit a friggin home run for the 99% of the readers out there that hate Terrell Owens &/or “Scoop” Jackson. This entry is so damn funny that you may laugh out loud even if you are at work. On the whole, the entry is long…but I promise that it is worth the time.

The set-up goes like this:

When I “played” college football, our team decided the night before a game to go see “Showgirls”, because nothing fires you up for a game like a group erection. Anyway, we go to see it, and it’s fucking terrible. Horrible. I know a lot of people watch that movie for camp value now, but I’m not down with the whole “Oh, this is so bad it’s funny! Let’s laugh at our own sense of irony!” thing. This is a fucking awful movie. But what made it transcendentally bad was the rape scene about 3/4 of the way in. I’d like a law against all rape scenes in all movies ever. No good can possibly come of them. Anyway, the rape scene in “Showgirls” elevated it to the upper echelons of true shittiness.

Which, of course, brings us to Scoop Jackson. You might know Scoop Jackson from his columns on They’re the kind of columns that make you think, “Hey, how the fuck did Caller #47 from ‘The John Thompson Show’ get his own byline?” Scoop is so bad, he practically justifies racism. But his column from earlier this week about Terrell Owens was the nadir. Scoop’s rape scene, as it were. Let’s go all Fire Joe Morgan over it, shall we? Observe!

Today, KSK decided that the idea of majorly ripping into “writers” had not completely run its course. So, they took aim at Peter King and fired away at will.

“First Scoop Jackson, and now this. Remind me again why we write a blog for free and they get paid.”

Yes, the entries are very long.

Yes, the entries are very much worth your time if you want to laugh.

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3 Responses to Scoop’s Rape Scene & Peter King

  1. cfpack03 07/28/2006 at 11:13 AM #

    this is legendary.
    SFN should have thought of this to oust Sendek 5 yrs ago

  2. BladenWolf 07/29/2006 at 9:22 AM #


  3. StateFans 07/30/2006 at 10:54 AM #

    Great follow-up on the Peter King vs KSK situation for those that are interested.


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