Do You Deadspin?

We work hard to keep all of our links and our “Blogroll” on the right hand side of the front page of StateFansNation dynamic and updated. We hope that you enjoy ‘surfing’ other sites through our resources.

One of the most famous, and rapidly growing blogs on the internet right now is “Deadspin”. It is so unique and diverse that I don’t think that I could explain it with justice.

Anyway, there was something about the mix and the frequency of the entries that hit the site today (Thursday, July 13th, 2006) that I liked, so I decided to slap this up there and send you over to the site for some fun. If you have any suggestions for sites/blogs/links that you think that we should add to the site, please don’t hesitate to share them in the comments section of this entry.


5 Responses to Do You Deadspin?

  1. cfpack03 07/14/2006 at 9:08 AM #

    yep, been checking deadspin for a while now. There are so many inside jokes that you have to read for a few weeks before start to get it.

    you’re with me, sfn

  2. joe 07/14/2006 at 9:13 AM #

    Based on the description here, I had a feeling that was going to be a Howard Stern fan on the phone.

  3. RAWFS 07/14/2006 at 9:15 AM #

    Chris Berman loathes Deadspin, so by definition, it is a good thing.

    “You’re with me, leather” is absolutely hilarious. (If you don’t know the story, look it up on Wikipedia.)

  4. cfpack03 07/14/2006 at 10:47 AM #

    while you’re at it, wiki Carl Monday too.
    Its even more funny b/c I hate OSU (ever since that mid-summer game that ruined my entire vacation)

  5. StateFans 07/15/2006 at 1:16 PM #

    Come on guys…are you telling us that there are NO blogs or resources that you want added to our blogroll?

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