Glenn Comments News 14

Dave Glenn was interviewed for a few minutes on News 14 in Raleigh and Charlotte tonight. He didn’t say much that we haven’t shared or discussed in some way or another in the last few days. This link will take you to his most recent comments on his blog.

The following are a couple of clarifications on just a couple of items that were discussed:

* High ranking boosters had been assured by those at the top of the administration that one of the two coaches in play – Beilein or Lavin – was going to be hired by today. (SFN Note: We heard that Bobby Purcell was told of Beilein’s spurn of State via electronic communication at the Wolfpack Club Caravan event in Salisbury and was visibly surprised by the news. I’d be surprised to if I just had the realization that I was going to be named Athletics Director in the near future!)

* Dereck Whittenburg said today that he has had no conversations with anyone at NC State near the top of the search.

The most accurate and salient points that Glenn made are paraphrased as follows — Both the Lavin and the Beilein situations fell through because of items/issues that everyone was aware of last week. Lavin’s ties to the west coast and Beilein’s buyout. These were not new items as the whole world knew of their existence from the beginning.

^This is a big part of our criticism during the day and why we have now allowed the floodgates of Fowler criticsm to open after weeks of Jeff’s attempts to keep squelch it. Glenn stopped far short of criticizing Fowler, but Jay Bilas got a lot closer to criticizing in some similar comments that he shared on 610 WFNZ on Tuesday morning.

Why the hell does it take Lee Fowler so damn long to get the ball near the finish line on EVERY candidate, let alone Steve Lavin (who isn’t even employed in college coaching. What do these coaches need to “think about”? Either they want the job or they don’t. Either we want them or we don’t. It’s absurd that Fowler is taking full weeks to talk to just one or two candidates only to learn at the very end that issues that existed throughout the conversations prove to be the reason that they aren’t fits for the job.

This link sends you to some related comments at RedandWhiteFromState.

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