Use “Bracket Brains”

We are going to pin this to the top of the blog for the next couple of days…so, don’t miss any of our new stuff that will be logged below this. Additionally, don’t miss our most recent update on the current coaching situation in Raleigh.

If you never check out our constantly-evolving set of links on the right hand side of the blog, we ask that you take some time checking them out some time. Additionally, if you ever run across URLs or sites of which you think that we will have an interest, please don’t hesitate to draw our attention to it.

One site/tool that we have recently discoverd and wanted to turn your attention to is Bracket Brains

BracketBrains uses proprietary statistical modeling technology to predict the outcome of any potential 2006 NCAA tournament matchup. It allows you to choose any two teams to match up and then you prioritize a host of statistical factors that you value. BracketBrains analyzes years of NCAA Tournament data to predict the winner based on statistical profiles of the two teams being modeled and your factor rankings.

This thing is really cool.

Play with StateFansNation
While you are in the habit of filling out NCAA Tournament Brackets, why don’t you fill one out to do battle against others from this community?

We’ve set up a group at Yahoo Sports and hope that you will join us.

Group ID# 96914
Group Name: StateFansNation

Group Password: jethrofooler

General NCS Basketball

5 Responses to Use “Bracket Brains”

  1. BJD95 03/14/2006 at 3:27 PM #

    I’m in the Yahoo pool.

  2. VaWolf82 03/14/2006 at 3:55 PM #

    I can’t get in. When I select “Join a Private Group” I get the following error message:

    There was a problem:
    • You must have a team to join a private group. (Error #148)

  3. Jeff 03/14/2006 at 4:10 PM #

    I think that you need to set up a team first and then it gives you the option to join a public or a private group.

  4. VaWolf82 03/14/2006 at 4:32 PM #

    Boy was that a PITA. I’m in.

  5. James Anderson 03/16/2006 at 5:57 PM #

    fuck u

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