Why Does the NFL Have Instant Replay?

…if they get all of the calls WRONG?


5 Responses to Why Does the NFL Have Instant Replay?

  1. Andy Greenwood 01/15/2006 at 7:20 PM #

    agreed, clear interception, guess only the head referee’s opinion counts…

    but how do you fix that?

  2. Jeff 01/15/2006 at 7:25 PM #

    It’s been nuts today. The totally blew obvious calls against the Steelers and the Panthers today.

    (I may learn of a rule that impacts the Steelers’ situation of which I am not currently aware….but, even so….I am going to have major problems with the rule if it exists)

  3. Sammy Kent 01/15/2006 at 10:11 PM #

    The non-interception call against the Steelers was the worst call in the history of the NFL PRECISELY because they had instant replay to make sure it was right and still totally blew it. They must have pulled out some ACC replay refs for the playoffs.

  4. class of '74 01/16/2006 at 5:59 AM #

    All of the games had their fare share of disasterous call. You would think a multi-billion dollar enterprise like the NFL could at least get the officiating right.

    Also, if Chicago can’t grow grass then install field turf for gadsakes. The field was disgraceful in Chicago and dangerous to boot!

  5. db321 01/16/2006 at 9:29 PM #

    NFL admits mistake….ref screwed it up

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