ESPN: Brown Changes Attitude

Anyone who has read any of my internet babble over the last 10 years knows that I do not hold Mack Brown in very high regard along a lot of fronts — one of the primary ones being coaching.

I ran across this article on and thought it was interesting enough to share.

A few blurbs:

Until a couple of years ago, there were three things you could count on with Texas coach Mack Brown: His teams would win a lot; his teams would fall just short of their ultimate goal; and if Brown’s skin were any thinner, you could read a playbook through it.

Most coaches learn at an early age that the fans will never understand, that the media will always get the last word. They tolerate it and move on. Brown never did.

General NCS Football

3 Responses to ESPN: Brown Changes Attitude

  1. choppack 12/29/2005 at 6:45 PM #

    I am surprised he ever left Chapel Hill. It must be nice having 80% of a state’s journalists pulling for you.

  2. Jim 12/29/2005 at 8:01 PM #

    Say what you want about the guy, but he sure did turn around a very bad program over in Chapel Hill. I would love to see the same results in Raleigh.

  3. Mr. O 12/30/2005 at 9:27 AM #

    I didn’t read the article, but I don’t know how anyone can’t consider Brown one of the top coaches in the country. His results speak for themselves.

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