Thank God this isn’t us

(NOTE: You will need to click on the headline of this article or the “More StatefansNation” Hotlink below to activate the formatting in order for you to see the picture.)

The following is a horrendous picture of the National Champions, University of Washington Huskies.

Wait…you are telling me that they AREN’T National Champions?

Wow! You can’t tell it by the way that they act.

I was looking for Jim McMahon and Refrigerator Perry in the picture, but I don’t see them. (By the way…can you believe that the Super Bowl Shuffle was literally 2 DECADES ago?)

But…come one…Washington beat mighty Arizona TWICE this year. You know, the Arizona Wildcats who lost by EIGHTEEN POINTS at VIRGINIA. The same Wildcats that went 0-2 against the ACC, but whose coach publicly criticized the conference for not being as good as many people think.

I guess the fact that Washington beat the ACC’s #7 seed on their home floor by one basket and a horrible no-call on the last play of the game must count for more than I realized.

General NCS Basketball

5 Responses to Thank God this isn’t us

  1. JD 03/17/2005 at 9:58 AM #

    Ha, SB Shuffle… that was great! This picture just smacks of bad memories for this team afer they get bounced in the second round. Can anyone say “Fark me please”?

  2. Chris 03/17/2005 at 10:14 AM #

    The dude laying on the floor looks exactly like Ivan Drago (Dolph Lungren) from the Rocky IV movie.

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