SFN: What A Year (thusfar)!!!

Excerpt: “In the first seven months of the year, SFN has attracted almost 150,000 different visitors from around the world, generating just under 8 million hits and 2.5 million different page views of unique SFN material.

We couldn’t be more proud of the breadth and depth of our growing reach considering that we are just a homespun blog with an extremely narrow focus of topic. Additionally, SFN has never embarked on any campaign or strategy to drive traffic to the site for the purposes of increasing hit count; instead choosing to focus on the quality of our product through hard work, dedication and a passion for NC State.”

With the calendar turning from the 7th to the 8th month of 2006, StateFansNation wanted to take a quick look back at the blog’s evolution and tremendous growth thusfar this year.

After building a solid readership since our debut in November of 2004, the departure of Herb Sendek and NC State’s ensuing search for a coach provided the blog a platform and opportunity to expand our presence and recognition both in the “blogosphere” as well as with the “mainstream” media and fans.

After spending Saturday, April 1st, updating the blog, StateFansNation was the first to confirm Coach Sendek’s departure at 7:05pm that evening. During the coaching search, our work ultimately drew much appreciated attention from many newspapers, radio shows, and internet sites from around the country, including a link from the grandaddy of sports media, Sports Illustrated.

We wish that a more of you would take the time to drop us some comments every now and then. We know that you are out there! We know because StateFansNation currently has 936 users registered to our site. Think about that for a moment. Registering is NOT a pre-requisite to read the blog; anyone can read the blog without registering. This means that almost 1,000 (mostly Wolfpackers) have chosen to register here at SFN. Thank you so very much for choosing to spend your time with us!

Our statistics don’t stop there. We really wanted to share the following screen shot with the jack asses that dismiss our work and who think that their secret ID on a camouflaged message board thread really has some kind of an impact on the world as well as for the obsolete “leaders” that choose to fight the intangible “internet” instead of strategically embracing and mastering its capabilities. We really wanted to give some folks something on which to chew…and choke…and vomit.

The screen-shot below details the webstats that we have chosen to share for StateFansNation.com through the first seven months of 2006. We were ecstatic when we reviewed these numbers; and couldn’t have been more proud of the breadth and depth of our growing reach considering that we are just a homespun blog with an extremely narrow focus. Additionally, SFN has never embarked on any campaign or strategy to drive traffic to the site for the purposes of increasing hit count; instead choosing to focus on the quality of our product through hard work, dedication and a passion for NC State.

We just wanted our readers to see the amazing community that is evolving here and ask that you all continue to spread the word and don’t hesitate to be engaged with high-quality comments on the website.

In the first seven months of the year, SFN has attracted almost 150,000 different visitors from around the world, generating just under 8 million hits and 2.5 million different page views of unique SFN material.

SFN Stats

So, the next time some ‘hater’ embarasses themselves with a derogatory comment about our blog – or “the internet” – please feel free to share this information with them. We know how many people are listening to us. How many folks are digesting our critics comments and thoughts?

Post-Script Thanks
We’d like to thank the following sites that link to StateFansNation and have referred over 1,000 visits to SFN thusfar this year:

* 850 The Buzz’s Blog
* News & Observer’s ACC Now Blog
* Pack Pride’s Message Boards
* Red and White From State
* Bloglines
* The Wolf Web
* Sports Illustrated
* DaveSez.com
* Duke Basketball Report
* Triangle.com

(All of these sites are linked from our Blogroll on the right side of the front page of SFN)

About StateFans

'StateFansNation' is the shared profile used by any/all of the dozen or so authors that contribute to the blog. You may not always agree with us, but you will have little doubt about where we stand on most issues. Please follow us on Twitter and FaceBook

Alums Basketball Recruiting Campus News Chuck Amato Flashback Football Recruiting General Headscratchers Media NC State Administration NCS Basketball NCS Football Non-Revenue On the Record Quotes of Note Rankings & Lists Required Reading Sidney Lowe Sports Junkies Stat of the Day Tradition

23 Responses to SFN: What A Year (thusfar)!!!

  1. McWufPacker06 07/30/2006 at 11:54 PM #

    No wonder you’ve gotten such a huge response in the past 7 months, I’ve been a firm believer of this site since I started following the new head coaching search. This site has been my base for information and when you reported on Calipari and others I took your word as gold. Keep the quality blogging and articles up and I’m sure you have no where to go but up from here!

    Thanks StateFansNation!

    Class of 2006, Reader since April 1, 2006 (I really thought it was an April fools joke!)

  2. Kingfish76 07/31/2006 at 7:45 AM #

    Congratulations, SFN. You guys have should be very proud of your accomplishments. Your site totally got the scoop faster than the mainstream media or anyone else on the basketball coaching situation. Who could ever forget “FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST, THANK GOD WE’RE FREE AT LAST?

  3. oldflyingfarmer 07/31/2006 at 9:22 AM #

    I appreciate the honesty that I find here. Good or bad, I can trust this site. Thanks for your dedication and honesty. This is the site I start my day on.
    Go State!!

  4. Wolf-n-Atl 07/31/2006 at 9:33 AM #

    Thanks for the hard work. From the old days of State Fans emails, I have always looked for good resources on NC State news. After the evolution of State Fans into a Scout site and the reduction of quality discussion on the free boards, I was thrilled to find a new source for information.

    Thanks again!

  5. Cardiff Giant 07/31/2006 at 9:41 AM #

    ^ I agree. This site fills the void created by the demise of the old Statefans and the subsequent er… alteration of the PackPride succcessor.

    Congrats to all who’ve visited and made substantive contributions (as opposed to my usually lame attempts at humor) to this blog over the past year, and especially to that small group – you know who you are – that’s made this site what it is.

  6. travelwolf 07/31/2006 at 9:52 AM #

    I love your site because you provide unbiased facts and rational opinions and inferences. Congratulations and I hope that the next year will provide even more success! Keep up the great work!

  7. graywolf 07/31/2006 at 11:14 AM #

    I love your site. It really helped during the Herb Sendek era to evaluate the coaching job done by Herb and staff as well as look at the overall athletic program at NC State.
    Thanks for all you have done, and keep up the good work.

  8. johnny 07/31/2006 at 12:10 PM #

    “I love your site because you provide unbiased facts and rational opinions and inferences. Congratulations and I hope that the next year will provide even more success! Keep up the great work!”

    great job guys!!

  9. El Scrotcho 07/31/2006 at 1:04 PM #

    Great job guys – you’ve been on top of the major stories and presented the information in an intelligent, upfront, and brutally honest way. The counterpoint to the PR machines is invaluable, and reinforces the substantive contributions that blogs can make in today’s communications.

  10. BobLee 07/31/2006 at 1:57 PM #

    Stay true to your original purpose … not to be just another cyber septic tank.
    Nothing drives traffic like a coaching controversy … hopefully you won’t have another of those for awhile.
    Congratulations on your success.

  11. brown pelican 07/31/2006 at 2:30 PM #

    site unlike any other—spirited dialogue without the detour into the idiotic rhetoric that can occur without the guidelines established by sfn—topic driven discussion that every pack fan must check in on—keep up the good wor

  12. packbackr04 07/31/2006 at 3:26 PM #

    to keep it pithy- you guys rock!

  13. VaWolf82 07/31/2006 at 4:47 PM #

    as opposed to my usually lame attempts at humor

    If you look up “lame” in the dictionary, you’ll find my attempts at humor archived there. The Pennywise entry fits in an entirely different category and Doyel’s Complaint is one of my favorite.

  14. choppack1 07/31/2006 at 7:44 PM #

    Congrats SFN There has been some excellent discussion here – like the ones you used to find on other sites, but there’s a common trend. Hopefully, you can whether popularity better than some other sites.

    I hope the site continues to grow and continues to stay – by and large – above the board.

  15. bTHEredterror 07/31/2006 at 8:06 PM #

    Can’t say I’m surprised.

  16. coppertop 08/01/2006 at 12:23 AM #

    Nor can I, I belive I first found this site during football season as a visitor to both TWW and packpride, I wasn’t getting the analysis or cutting news from message boards that I desired, I was very pleased to find this site and am happily able to keep up with all things NC State via SFN from down in Pensacola.. It’s great to feel connected so far from home!
    Thanks again for all you do, the coaching search probably was the highlight of those 6 months worth of hits but I dare say anyone who cares about acc sports knows now the authority on NCSU sports!

    Keep up the great work!

  17. Cardiff Giant 08/01/2006 at 9:18 AM #

    Why thank you, VAWolf.

  18. redfred2 08/01/2006 at 11:49 AM #

    Great blog! Congratulations! and keep it up. It’s great to have a totally independent site without any direct ties to sway honesty on the topics and where you can check up on anything Wolfpack 24/7.

    The only way to improve this site, in MY mind anyway, would be to somehow weed out the very insignificant few who don’t always agree with every single thought and word that I type.


  19. VaWolf82 08/01/2006 at 12:05 PM #

    somehow weed out the very insignificant few who don’t always agree with every single thought and word that I type.

    That’s really quite easy to do. Start your own blog and don’t allow comments. 😉

  20. redfred2 08/01/2006 at 1:38 PM #


    I did, a long time ago, didn’t you know about it?

  21. Dave 08/03/2006 at 10:02 AM #

    It’s good to see that you guys are getting so much traffic. You deserve it. It’s also nice that you generally get a good stream of comments on every article. I know how satisfying that can be, because it lets you know people are reading.

    Thanks for the acknowledgement and I’m glad to know that I sent that many visits your way. It looks like I’ve receive over 1,500 visits this year from here!

    Keep it up and let’s get ready for football season!

  22. the_phisherman 02/28/2007 at 1:54 PM #

    “Additionally, SFN has never embarked on any campaign or strategy to drive traffic to the site for the purposes of increasing hit count; instead choosing to focus on the quality of our product through hard work, dedication and a passion for NC State.”

    This is what brings us back for more! Don’t loose sight of the true mission statement.


  1. ACC Basketblog - 08/01/2006

    g4W1pL Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic blog article.Thanks Again. Much obliged.

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