Strickland or Henderson?

Yesterday, ABC TV broadcasters made a few comments during that Detroit Pistons playoff game that former Duke player and Deleware Head Coach, David Henderson, may potentially join Sidney Lowe’s new staff at NC State.

Now that Monte Towe is confirmed for a return to Raleigh (as Associate Head Coach if his comments in the N&O are accurate), then that would create specualtion about the realistic potential of Pete Strickland joining the staff. Please click here for our previous information and conversation regarding Lowe’s rumored staff.

We have heard the tiniest bit of rumor that there may be a hang-up for Strickland related to the issue of coaching “titles”. Despite Strickland’s deep experience, he would probably be asked to be the #3 assistant at State in light of Towe and Larry Harris’ experience and familiarity with the program. That probably doesn’t sit well with a former Head Coach. Then again, being unemployed from college coaching probably sits worse with him.

I don’t know exactly why, but SFN was very attracted to the the idea of Strickland. His experience as a head coach in the southeast and his other connections (DeMatha, AAU, coaches clinics) looked to be a very good fit for what Coach Lowe needs on his staff. A friend of ours close to the Coastal Carolina program shot us the following tidbit on Strickland:

Pete is a great guy and an excellent student of the game of basketball. He also is a pretty good recruiter. He had real problems inspiring his team to win close games, and was not a very good coach in the closing moments of a game.

We ask that you continue the assistant coaching conversation at this link. Thanks

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