Reply To: Podcast: S2 E19 – Boise St Expert on our new OC & A Surprising Take on Gottfried

Home Forums All StateFansNation Podcast: S2 E19 – Boise St Expert on our new OC & A Surprising Take on Gottfried Reply To: Podcast: S2 E19 – Boise St Expert on our new OC & A Surprising Take on Gottfried


Begs the question …….Why in the hell was Gottfried’s contract extended? Is the goal just to make to the post season (won’t happen this year)? Didn’t even bother watching the Cheats game. Probably won’t bother with the remainder of the season……..and nothing much to look forward to next year. Can’t see how this coaching staff is doing any better than the Sendek years. Given the school’s basketball heritage we should be contending for the conference championship every year. Instead we’re lucky to average .500 in the ACC. Disappointing.