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Yes, what Cat is doing is phenomenal. He’s unstoppable.

But I am going to say this knowing the flak is coming, but his play is doing the TEAM no favors. That’s not on Cat. That’s squarely on the staff. He’s doing whatever he can to keep is in games, and without him we’d be lucky to have won a game. But everybody is just standing around watching the Cat show, and it’s not good for the future of this program.

Every team has three or four guys that can put the ball on the floor and create their own shot. We had two, but one of them got hurt, so we only have one. Cat can pass it until his whiskers fall out, but he’s passing it to guys who can’t do anything with it, so they eventually pass it back to him. Soon there is only 5 seconds left on the clock, and Cat has to go to work. Some of it is recruiting the right players, some of it is keeping the right players, and some of it is bad luck.

Edit: but I do think Mav has shown signs he can develop into more than a catch and shoot player.