Reply To: State in the cellar

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Yes, what Cat is doing is phenomenal. He’s unstoppable.

But I am going to say this knowing the flak is coming, but his play is doing the TEAM no favors. That’s not on Cat. That’s squarely on the staff. He’s doing whatever he can to keep is in games, and without him we’d be lucky to have won a game. But everybody is just standing around watching the Cat show, and it’s not good for the future of this program.

I dont agree with you and I am certainly not going to give you flak as I can kindof see your point. I like that about him truthfully. Shame its wasted on this year.

As I have said a few times before he is going to hit the proverbial wall or get hurt if he keeps up the pace and style he has been playing. Nobody can sustain what he is doing with the hard checks, hard fouls etc and not pay a price for it especially in the meat of the ACC season.