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It appears that our head coach has a case of the denials:

“I don’t think anybody wants to be 0-3,” Gottfried said. “I think it’s different if you’re 0-3 and you’re just not very good at all. I’ve seen bad teams before, we’re not a bad team.

“We’re a good team that’s getting better. We just don’t have a lot to show for it yet in the league.”

No, coach. You are not a good team. You have a team with zero margin for error. If anyone gets in foul trouble, your team is screwed because you have no bench. You have a team that does not move the basketball – a team that stands around and watches his star make magic. You have a team that goes long stretches without scoring, while the opponent blows right past you. I hope your case of the denials heals quickly, and that this allows you to open your eyes to see what everyone else sees.