Reply To: Game Thread: Wolfpack Football vs Monarchs of Old Dominion

Home Forums All StateFansNation Game Thread: Wolfpack Football vs Monarchs of Old Dominion Reply To: Game Thread: Wolfpack Football vs Monarchs of Old Dominion


Has the server rebooted after the 70 Yd TD? I figured it went down. Just looked up now at the announcers. Their Red Polo’s should be (without the light blue trim) the Uniform of the DAY for Gary, Johnny and Tony. THAT is really vivid. I may have to detune the color….otherwise I will be ill.

At LEAST we are ahead by 2 TD’s. And ODU has negative or maybe a yard or two of Positive Yards for the Half.

This series will be interesting.

UNC will probably get some “top 25” votes this week. Auburn (unless they turned it around….I gave up on it) will also suffer the second biggest loss in standings this week.

We seem to have it together….and then lose it. Maybe the AHDH drugs need to be changed or the dosage modified…

GO PACK….at least it is ON TV….despite the KarmaCredit ads. BUT the LKQ chic is still here. She USED to pull her parts in a Bikini….those were BETTER ads…