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I’m with your 13OT. I typed a real dozie of a response and it got lost. Probably just as well. The fact that an attack (cowardly and probably unprovoked) took place speaks volumes about how our society is deteriorating.

Reports from Fox News state that an assistant coach is on paid leave. He made a comment about the Jon Jay team being “Cheated”….no other word on what else might have been said. Did the coach order a Code Red (Few Good Men) on the ref? Were these young men so fired up that they could not understand common decency and also the fact that a whole BUNCH of folks would be watching (and there would be videos)?

One does wonder about the mentality (and perhaps parenting) of the two alleged “perps”. I read further comments in the Fox article and my original “Twitter” (which was NOT a recommendation or verification or any sort of “Validation” of what is posted there….I am more than intelligent to understand that Twitter is about as believable as some of the things that our government does)…..Bottom Line… was the REF’s fault…..since he supposedly was racist.

Some of the “Tweeters” might also be included in the Ref’s future slander suit. All reports about him is that he is 100% “Stand Up” type of guy and other than the usual “Ref done us in bias” (which runs rampant here by a LOT of posters). There have not been any “Karl Hess” incidents in his career. SO, the Race Card might be “just part of the usual MO…”

As much as I detested KH, (I admit not to being benevolent towards him), I and probably 99.99999% of the posters here would never consider or advocate or arrange for any type of attack….

Despicable may describe it…..I just can’t come up with a term that is socially acceptable and descriptive to express my initial disgust with the incident…..which was widely reported on Saturday. It was only the NBC (Sunday Night) and CBS (Monday Night) national news that elevated it.

What WAS surprising and very disappointing was the comment(s) about our LEO. Crime statistics are showing that murder rates in the “Cops Don’t Care” cities are increasing exponentially… are other violent acts. WHO are the victims? The communities where the professional agitators and others with a political agenda spew their vile rhetoric.

Am I fed up……YES…..and that is what is feeding the campaign fires of Trump. Folks have about had it up to their collective whatevers and want some relief….but then the Jim Jones Kool-Aid is then offered here….

Then, if a few speak their mind, they are called out…..and that is a (fill in the blank) Capitol CRIME…..and they are not “empathetic”.

This one may disappear and perhaps it should….but I for one (as well as 13 OT and others), are FFU….