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Amid the media frenzy on a otherwise most boring Good Friday…
“Shaka Smart to UT”

One finds the back stories much more intriguing…

1. So Ms. Shaka Smart apparently thinks she can live in Austin…
Honey, take this from an old man…

Everything is bigger in Tejas…
And that includes, the good and bad…

And I’ve been to Austin and I’ve spent plenty of time in Richmond and Virginia…

I hope you’re ready…

2. This… from E$pin…

Smart led VCU to at least 26 wins in six consecutive seasons, a feat matched only by Duke. With the interest he has generated in basketball, a $25 million basketball practice facility is under construction and is scheduled to be ready for use in the fall.

We’ve never been impressed with VCU’s strength of schedule and more importantly…

Just who do they think they can hire at VCU as Head Coach to pay for that gym?

3. This, redeaux.. from E$pin….

At VCU, Smart took over a program that had great success under Jeff Capel and then Anthony Grant. Smart hopes to avoid the pitfalls at Texas that his predecessors encountered when they left to take over programs at universities considered football schools.

Capel lasted five years at Oklahoma before being fired, and Grant spent six at Alabama before he was dismissed.

Bottom line here is …
Can Smart get another potential Kevin Durant to play in Austin every two=three years?

Is it “three stikes and out”…
Is it “take the money and run”…
Is it “The Name on the Sign is better than the food on the plate”…
Or is it “Diamond in the Rough” ?


This is a Tejas style Deal with Tejas odds ….
With three Jokers in the deck…

Call me crazy… Call me back in five years and let me know how this all turned out…

It may not be Smart, but I Like what we GOTT…

Plus… I am generally adverse to hiring people who have not shown a demonstrated ability to handle failure…

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