Reply To: 2014-15 Basketball – A Note of Thanks

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Prowling Woofie

What a ride this year ! Spent lots of time renting my clothes and gnashing my teeth, but there were a lot of positives. Thanks players and staff !

Really hoping Kyle stays.

The biggest thing lacking in his offensive game is offensive game from one of the other bigs’ in the low post. Kyle’s extended range is perfect for the high post – he just needs one of the other guys to develop a reliable low post presence to work with him. That would probably take care of his poor shot selection by itself.

Abu is probably getting there faster, but Anya is progressing, and it would be great to see Freeman make a Howell-like jump on the offensive end for next year.

Imagine having the option of feeding Kyle in the high post with a legitimate threat underneath, too. Betting that’s what Gott and crew have been waiting on/working for.