Reply To: 2014-15 Basketball – A Note of Thanks

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It feels different this time. 4 years ago after some quick success and trip to the Sweet 16 our fan base became rather big headed. After watching the last few years unfold and seeing Gott bring together young talent that he recruited it seems we are on the cusp of something real. No one jumped after the loss last night and said “wait til next year.” But I think this team somehow set the benchmark for what our program will be going forward. We may not always make the Sweet 16, some years we may go further, maybe we can win some conference championships. But I believe we are going to work hard and have some fun teams. If we continue to do this, the future is bright! The hard thing about college sports is letting go of the guys you have gotten to know and love as part of your team. Best wishes to Ralston and Dez. Those guys had some bright moments in the Red and White.