Reply To: Sweet 16 – Pack vs. Louisville!

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Question for Rick – What kind of performance would make you happy? Final Four? NC?

I will counter with this question. Do you think we will ever see anther chance like we just piseed away? The top two seeds are out. We are playing a team we already beat who lost their starting PG?
I predict we never see another opportunity like that again. TOB had an opportunity like that and similarly blew it. You have to grab those chances because they are rare. I doubt we see another. And that is what maskes me irate. It’s not like we lost to Kentucky. We lost to a crappy offensive team without their starting PG (oh yeah I guess a freshmen PG can never win a game).
If we cannot win in that situation, when can we ever expect to win?
I know wtny

I knew that I wouldn’t get an answer to my question.

I do think we will have other opportunities. This is our second opportunity like this in the last four years. I think the roster is in the best shape it has been in in the last 10 years. You keep saying “the top two seeds are out” like they were captured by aliens. In case you didn’t notice, we beat the number one seed. Why don’t you want to give us credit for that?

I said the other day on here that you have to grab these opportunities, so I would agree that this was a lost opportunity. It remains to be seen if Gott can build off of this experience and if the guys will be made hungrier by getting this close.

Now will you answer my question? What level of accomplishment will make you happy?