Reply To: Move ahead, put it in the past

Home Forums All StateFansNation Move ahead, put it in the past Reply To: Move ahead, put it in the past


Tau – I am simply saying that I think there’s a decent chance 1 (or even 2) will weigh their options. Of those 2, barber is more likely (especially after the scare last night.)

Last year, I predicted lewis would transfer. I didn’t have any scoop – just a good melody, an understanding of the way college basketball works and IQ over 59.

If you noticed I haven’t criticized gott for transfers or kids for going pro or even kids for transferring… But please by all means feel free to start stuff with me. I have only been a die hard pack fan for 25 years I obviously just want to start stuff.
We typically have one early departure for the league at least one transfer. So I won’t be surprised if we have another.

But what I am saying is we can’t afford to lose cat, Anya or lacy if we want a special season. Hopefully, all 3 come back to school. Hopefully, the Martin twins both stay, hopefully we have just 1 transfer.