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Next year’s team should be very good. It will be telling if it’s bubbilicious. Time will tell.

We should be top four in the ACC next year. Frankly anything below that would be unacceptable. Everyone coming back except Turner. Henderson is suppose to be an upgrade to Turner. Plenty of talent, experience and depth.

Agree 100%. Regardless of your viewpoint on youth, offensive scheme, defensive scheme, etc. etc. over the past four years it is time to produce a top 4 seed next year. I don’t care about the up and downs of other ACC teams. It is time to produce.

Iirc, Gott takes over and our scarecrow PG decides to tumbleweed over to Kentucky. Lo Brown plays pg and takes us to within 4 points of an Elite 8 spot. Early in Year 2 Lo inexplicably plays like he spent the off season smoking weed so Gott makes the decision to play Brown major minutes to get over his funk which retards the growth of WBS. Year 3, we all saw the dance between Cat and WBS at pg. My point of all this – a top 4 seed requires excellent PG from day one of OCC play. None of this —-, where we need to work the kinks out through the first 14 games with regards to PG play. I don’t want to read the same tired articles about shooting 3s, working out, getting stronger, trying to figure roles out. The core of this team will be juniors and seniors. No more excuses.