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Was trying to get some word (like the Internet would have GOOD info) on Cat’s condition. Ran across this on the Fayetteville Observer. Great insight from a Freshman. Tells a lot about his BB IQ…

He was asked about Cat’s injury….and said….

“I take full responsibility for that one,” Abu said. “I just had scored and was running back to get on ‘D’ and Amile stayed. You expect your defender to run with you and try to get a transition bucket, and he stayed. By the time I turned around, Cat ran into him. It’s a learning experience as a freshman – always protect your point guard, and that’s crucial. I failed at that one.”

Hope Cat is OK….most of the reports were about his “neck” but the article commented on his face colliding with Jefferson’s whatever….and Cat got the worst of it. We were in the lower second level just across the way. He laid there and the IDIOTIC REFS did not stop play. Let Duke score and called a foul…then stopped play.

Cat was literally motionless for what seems a long time and was very woozy when he finally sat up and tried to walk. He sat down at the end of the bench and the training staff talked to him and he finally went to the Locker Room and never returned…

If anyone gets any REAL info, please post.
