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Wuf and BJD….

The sun is up (hiding behind cloud cover) in the Coliseum parking lot. Walked around….the sweeper trucks are running everywhere. There are no dead (self inflicted) bodies of NCSU fans discovered…

I don’t know if humor or sarcasm or pity should be the tone of my comments….but here goes.

Did we get “Out Coached” last night? Probably. K’s D certainly confused Cat and others. It was a clever defense….and even the commentators said that they could not recognize it and they had an overhead or second level shot.

It LOOKED like a M2M….then went Zone…so our offensive plays did not work. Cat was confused…no doubt about it.

THAT did get into our minds. We have had games where these D’s were thrown at us and the team did not practice or anticipate, but they guys on the floor responded.

SO, I guess that we need Gott’s head (Will have to settle for an aluminum foil broiler liner….left the sterling at home). NOT REALLY.

Once we got “confused” and our confidence went out….we never recovered.

It was designed to hold down CAT and LACEY…..figuring that Turner, even hot, could not make up and Duke had the advantage inside. Even Plumlee had the game of his career. BJ was like a zombie out there….SURPISE….we played last night. BJ also celebrated his 20th birthday on Monday night (fairly early) at the Kanki in Raleigh. Spoke to him briefly and congratulated him….had my daughter’s family there also for her birthday. He was TIRED….not used to playing 2 nights consecutively.

So, chalk one up for Mikey….took advantage of BJ’s conditioning (or lack there of) and also shut down the two guys that were hot. Duke shot almost 60% and we barely broke 30%. Turner’s points were nice….but more as a support player and not a JJ Reddick performance.

NOW, had he been on….then Mikey would have switched the assignments.

I have been at the ACCT Championship games several times. Once when UNC had a really super shooter/guard. Mikey had his D ROTATE on every set. He had 3 guys assigned to him. Can’t remember the year or the names. But the UNC guy was always confused….as he never knew WHO was going to guard him. They did it in sequence (1, 2, 3) or sometimes seeming random…but Mikey or someone was calling the D’s number.

The ACC player of the year, decade, whatever did NOT have a great game.

NOW, these games….especially the NON NCSU ones run together…and I might be reversing the teams….but I remember the strategy….worked great.

BUT, by coming up with an unexpected and unique defense that caught ANOTHER HOF coach off guard….the playing field was leveled.

SO…I’m voting to keep GOTT and not impale him….

BTW….remember how Duke carved up and roasted a certain EX DUKE assistant….Bray is his name…his lads in Green and Gold had the game wrapped up last night….but Miami came back and almost pulled it off.

Duke beat Notre Dame by 30….90 – 60 at Cameron. So, this morning….things don’t look that bad.

More concerned about Cat’s condition….

Wonder if Mike Bray has a special motivational tool for his guys….like Mikey did for his…. We obviously outplayed and also outcoached Mikey in the PNC and he admitted that. So HE and the TEAM had motivation.

The Duke v ND should be a great game…since both have only played once…my UNC buds in our complex are worrying about the team’s “legs”…