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Allow me to bring clarity – I am 41, and the joke went over my head. After the explanation, I get it. It wouldn’t have been a firestorm had it been explained a bit and/or not been “headline” material.

Had it been a clearly whimsical comment in a game thread (like when I noted that Dean DID love defense and low scoring games, and we certainly provided that), it would have fit just fine. Context is everything.

I think there’s also the notion of the “cooling off” period. In the immediate aftermath of V’s death, I wouldn’t have appreciated talk about the “V curse” or “sold our souls for 1983” (even in jest, even though self-deprecating humor is the lifeblood of our wolven sort)…especially not from anyone wearing blue. Again, context.

So let’s not have this be the dominant topic of conversation today. I think I can understand where everybody is coming from, and I hope we can just de-escalate and move forward as a community.