Reply To: State wins in Chapel Hill! Focus on OUR student athletes

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“self-important victims”. REALLY? Somewhere, somehow this site lost its compass in the last year or so. The article that was removed was pure trash and should have been removed long before it got to 3 pages. Its things like that that drive the NCSU athletic department crazy. One of the collective of SFN contributors needs to have a open heart to heart talk with Debbie Yow OR Randy Woodson about their perceptions of the fan boards in general. Trust me, there is a large disdain there whether you guys want to admit it or not, and what happened today is prime example of why.

Maybe I’m off base here but I feel a correction in viewpoints of what is and is not acceptable is long overdue. By the comments I read from many I don’t think I’m in the minority.

Smarter than the average bear