Reply To: As the calender turns, so does the Pack

Home Forums All StateFansNation As the calender turns, so does the Pack Reply To: As the calender turns, so does the Pack


“Beejay had zero points, zero rebounds, zero assists, and 4 turnovers in his 18 minutes on the floor. What part was he doing exactly?”

He was at least doing his part on the pick and roll, that’s all I was talking about. There were several – 6, 7, 8? – times in the 2nd half that BJ rolled to the basket with no one on him, and no pass. That’s all I was saying. The other aspects may play a part, as Jigawatts said, maybe a lack of trust in BJ to finish

I think you mentioned you only saw the 2nd half. In the 1st half, the few times they fed the ball to Beejay he acted like Barney Fife trying to arrest Charles Mansion. Shaky to say the least, and usually resulted in a turnover. Right or wrong, the guards have no confidence in him. That is something Gott has to fix.