Reply To: N.C. State @ Virginia, 7pm

Home Forums All StateFansNation N.C. State @ Virginia, 7pm Reply To: N.C. State @ Virginia, 7pm


Cat wasn’t great last night, but this idea of “he shouldn’t be on the court” is certifiably insane.

He’s a running, distributor PG. But we aren’t really set up for transition. And like people have noted, the whole drive and dish thing is hard because our bigs have hands of stone. So defenses know how to guard him when he drives the lane, and he’s left with mostly perimeter shots in the halfcourt, which he’s not good at.

But he doesn’t turn the ball over much, he does do quite well when transition opportunities do arise (see second half of the Pitt game), and most importantly, he’s a FANTASTIC on-ball defender. There’s simply no hope for you if you can’t see that, or appreciate the value in that skill.

It’s come to the surface a few times when Cat actually has played poorly – the handful of folks who had (and still have) a major hard-on for TAFKAWBS. After the way he and his asshole father conducted themselves in the media on the way out, I no longer feel compelled to take the high road (as MG, to his GREAT credit, most certainly did). The kid SUCKED, and was an absolute cancer in the locker room. Those that idolize him because they identify with his being white, small, and slow are looking past his having no concept about what it means to be part of a TEAM.