Reply To: In the Eyes of a State Fan, Wainstein Offers Redemption for Media

Home Forums All StateFansNation In the Eyes of a State Fan, Wainstein Offers Redemption for Media Reply To: In the Eyes of a State Fan, Wainstein Offers Redemption for Media


The comments from Kennedy really hit home. Taking the most exceptions of anybody in the ACC and keeping them all eligible. This is where the common sense factor and having some knowledge of probability kick in. This was like Enron in a lot of ways. We were supposed to believe that they could operate so far outside the norms of statistics because they were just so much smarter than everybody else. Deep down in your gut, you knew something wasn’t quite as it was being presented, but you didn’t have any proof and the cultural norm within the organization was so strong, that nobody who suspected would dare breathe a word of it.