Reply To: In the Eyes of a State Fan, Wainstein Offers Redemption for Media

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^^Yeah, I don’t think public pressure alone would ever get UNX to do away with Fox or Hatchell, and especially not Roy.

That said, if the NCAA (lol) does come with some punishment for the individual programs (believe it when I see it) then it may not matter. Even if the respective coaches aren’t given show-causes, if their programs are facing multi-year bans it would most likely signal the end of each of their respective eras due to age, contracts, etc.

Also, like ryebread 5 years was my original guess as well for potential bans / punishments – across multiple programs if not the entire department (which really, it should be).

I’m also interested in potential Pell Grant fraud that the e-mails seem to imply … it doesn’t look good for them. That is, of course, if they’re held to task.