Reply To: In the Eyes of a State Fan, Wainstein Offers Redemption for Media

Home Forums All StateFansNation In the Eyes of a State Fan, Wainstein Offers Redemption for Media Reply To: In the Eyes of a State Fan, Wainstein Offers Redemption for Media


You know all along people on this site kept saying oh nothing will be found when it was confined to the football program. Then it spread a little. Some more informtion came out and everyone still had this ho hum mentality. The prevailing sentiment was one that nothing will ever bring down the sacred cow. Still people believe that UNC is too big to fail. I have myself beleived these thoughts at times but every time I think they are done we get more damagaing information come out. VA82 is right to some extent that unless there is a smoking e-mail then maybe nothing will move Roy out the door. The thought I have is if enough people complain at both the local and national level then he will be forced to leave. Can they fire all the coaches? Roy, Silvia, and Fox all told to leave? That is a bit far fetcehd but one or some of those will be the fall guys(gals). If it is left to UNC we all know who he gets a reprieve. There were a lot of unanswered questions after the Weinstien report. Those questions are not going away. They didn’t stop trying to get answers in the early days of this fraud and I thinnk the ones that care have a whole new set of questions that need answering.