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Prowling Woofie

Though nothing will come from the NCAA of any consequence, at least now everyone will KNOW FOR CERTAIN, that when they walk into the Dean Dome (a building named after the architect of the cheating scandal – he did, after all, instruct Matt Doherty not to change the system in place) and look into the rafters, that at least half of the laundry up there belongs to ineligible athletes, as well as at least two of the National Championship banners…

Those assholes can print as many T-shirts and have as many rings made as they want, we all know enough of the truth (though certainly not all of it) to keep laughing at them for decades to come.

BTW, if they start reneging banners and vacating wins, that’s going to hurt Schnoz and Ole Roy a bunch on the Career Wins Meter, isn’t it ????