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Couple of comments….

Valvno is HISTORY…..we just don’t want it “re-written”. There is no Cluade Sitton in the N&O. They print what sells… gotta give Sitton credit. He said, privately and publicly, that he would “GET” Valvano. Some thought it was idle cocktail party chit chat….but we found out later that is was his MISSION.

Rob (Reille WHO?) and Jimmy G (WRAL fame….who is focused on SELLING Political AD’s and also fostering he and his wife’s political agenda) need to chime in here…..but don’t hold your breath.

Jeff Gravely (OK….a STATE Grad) pretty much nailed it this afternoon on 99.9. The call-in sports guys are a little more candid. Jeff’s take is that the NCAA has a SERIOUS problem. They have a very thorough and exhaustive “Investigation”. That is something that their Ex-Jock Investigators could NEVER even hope to produce or match.

SO, they do NOT need to go through the little “ceremony and dance” of doing one. Here it is… ’em and WEEP.

They will HAVE to do something. Just how much….now that is the question.

UNC-Wilmington got rid of one of the Perps today. Ms (Ethics Award winner for 2015) Boxill will be GONE by sundown Friday. Or at least that is the rumor….who knows. I do NOT see how the little Smurfette can NOT fire her.

SO, when will the NCAA “come to town”? The answer is NEVER….they do NOT need to. UNC paid upwards of 2 – 2.5 Million….and got a REAL report. BOY, were they surprised. Seems like they believed “their own”….right up until Uncle Julie and Debbie (Debbie Does UNC?….wait for the movie) realized that they COULD be jailed. HMMMM….nothing like a little reality to loosen one’s memory and also tongue.

As to the Commish….Johnny BOY Swoff. Remember your history here, lads. WHO was the EX Kansas Coach that visited his alma mater and learned of the AFAM Set-up that THEY had just put in? Give that lad an E-Cigar. Dean, the MAN, Smith. SO, Dean wanted an AFAM at HIS school. SO, he needs a “fixer”. Johnny Boy fit that role to a “T”. Johnny had pics of some of the faculty with the ill-fated “Sweet Carolines”. SO, he pushed the AFAM idea and they said YES….kill the photos…but send back in the Sweeties.

SO, Dean set it up. Gutheridge NEVER changed it. Matter of fact….Wainstein reported that Matt D was TOLD by Dean and Bill… NOT MUCK UP the “academic support” system. You got to give UNC credit. They DID hone their craft and had a pretty good thing going.

the NCAA WILL do something…..LOIC…..LOL is closer to reality….but your NEVER know.

Stay tuned….I’ll bet that when the folks that are to be disciplined are called in, they THEN turn state’s evidence….and there is WAY MORE Dirty Jock Straps….

AH YES>>>>>THE OCTOBER SURPRISE. I thought it would be at the Ballot Box….