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WV Wolf

This is pretty damning as well. From the New York Times article

In November 2009, Ms. Reynolds and other members of the academic support program convened a meeting of the football coaches to discuss how the departure of Ms. Crowder would affect the players’ academic standing. The counselors and coaches were “painfully aware,” the report said, “that Crowder’s retirement would require the whole football program to adjust to a new reality of having to meet academic requirements with real academic work.”

In the meeting, two members of the football counseling staff explained to the assembled coaches that the classes “had played a large role in keeping underprepared and/or unmotivated players eligible to play.” To emphasize this point, they presented a PowerPoint demonstration in which one of the slides asked and then answered the question, “What was part of the solution in the past?”

“We put them in classes that met degree requirements in which … they didn’t go to class … they didn’t have to take notes, have to stay awake … they didn’t have to meet with professors … they didn’t have to pay attention or necessarily engage with the material,” the slide said. “THESE NO LONGER EXIST!”