Reply To: The 2014-15 Carolina Hurricanes Thread

Home Forums StateFans Baseball & Other Sports The 2014-15 Carolina Hurricanes Thread Reply To: The 2014-15 Carolina Hurricanes Thread


I have grown to really enjoy hockey. I think I understand the game and the nuances well enough to be more than the casual fan.

No, I do not expect any significant improvement. I see another battle just to remain competitive and to fight to stay out of the cellar. having said that, I will go to my share of games (5-8 probably) when it fits the schedule and I can score some ticket deals. I go for the entertainment and for the hopes we can put on a good showing, but I dont expect to be buying playoff tickets this year.

I also rebuilding is a process and takes several years, but golly gee, we have been rebuilding for several years and WVWolf points out, not a lot of fruit to show for it.