Reply To: Is Dave Doeren a Real Candidate for the Kansas Job?

Home Forums All StateFansNation Is Dave Doeren a Real Candidate for the Kansas Job? Reply To: Is Dave Doeren a Real Candidate for the Kansas Job?


If the media isn’t mentioning Doeren, then he’s not succeeding. That’s he’s being mentioned this early following a 3-9 ACC winless season should be an affirmation to those still doubting his abilities.

Yow locked in Franklin early at Maryland before the country knew his name (it was Maryland’s folly to let him go). I doubt she’ll hesitate to do the same here when the time comes (assuming it does). But if this team keeps it up, she won’t be able to do it so inconspicuously.

Doeren is not Edsall, he’s not Petrino; he’s not making the promises and commitments he’s made and bolting after year 2. He’s not leaving Brissett. He’ll be back next year, so at an absolute minimum, we have 14-15 months. Yow will know by season’s end 2015 the right move to make. Let’s hope we have concerns to put to bed after next season.

If you’re still worried, don’t forget the Wisconsin job opened up while Doeren was here. If you insist on finding a reason to worry, you can look back to Northern Illinois, but then, those were entirely different circumstances.