Reply To: State Switching to 4-2-5 Base D

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The only combination of numbers I understand are:

1 $W = ‘???’;
2 $L = ‘???’;
4 if ( $W > $L ) { $results = “Everybody is pretty damn happy!”; }
5 else if ( $L – $W <= 2 ) { $results = “Nobody is happy… but it’s better than last year”; }
6 else {

29-Nov-2014 18:19:30 America/Raleigh] PHP Parse error:: ‘ undefined variable “SMH” ‘ in /home/customf9/public_html/WOLFPACK_FOOTBALL/Season_2014/results.php on line 1

29-Nov-2014 18:19:30 America/Raleigh] PHP Parse error:: ‘ undefined variable “SMH” ‘ in /home/customf9/public_html/WOLFPACK_FOOTBALL/Season_2014/results.php on line 2

29-Nov-2014 18:19:31 America/Raleigh] FATAL APACHE ERROR — Your SERVERS are shutting DOWN… HEADS will roll… per Dr.Deb…

PLEASE DIAL 911 for Customer Support….

This isn’t commentary on you, more of a commentary on what I know about you…

But you’re the last person I expected to post something of that nature.

Also, PHP blows.