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Incident report reveals details in Jameis Winston crab leg theft

Jameis Winston has been reinstated to the Florida State baseball team after completing the community service, but new details from the crab leg incident have surfaced that suggest a less-than-innocent mistake.



Sgt. Benedict informed me earlier video depicted Mr. Winston placing the order and leaving the store. Mr. Winston proceeded from the seafood counter to the rear of the store. He walked north through the rear aisle, stopping at the dairy case. Mr. Winston selected a stick of butter from the dairy case and walked toward the front of the store. When Mr. Winston reached the front of the store, Deputy Graves was visible in front of Mr. Winston. Deputy Graves was working as security detail in the store in an off duty capacity at the time of the theft. Mr. Winston paused visibly near a series of sale bins and allowed Deputy Graves to pass in front of him. The pause appeared to be an attempt to avoid walking in front of Deputy Graves. Mr. Winston then walked behind Deputy Graves, passed all points of sale, and exited the store without paying for the merchandise. Mr. Winston did not approach any of the available checkout stands or complete any transaction in the store.


In his statement last week, Winston blamed the incident on “youthful ignorance.”

I obviously haven’t seen the tape but that description sure doesn’t sound like “youthful ignorance”. If any local seafood business (of an opposing school playing at home against FSU) was smart they’d pass out Crab bibs for the game.