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I haven’t read (nor will I) most of the post game meltdown. Having said that, and also stating that IMHO this was not SOLELY a coaching failure…I do have to say that this post game remark from Gott has me at least somewhat concerned….

“It’s hard to explain, we’re a good free-throw shooting team,” Gottfried said. “It kind of steamrolled on us there from the foul line.”

Now, I’m willing to allow for the fact that in the heat of the moment and emotion of the loss he might have slightly misspoken. Perhaps what he meant to say is that we’re not usually THAT bad of a free-throw shooting team.

But in all seriousness, if he thinks we’re even approaching good from the FT line as a team, then there is some serious discrepancy in his and my definitions of the word ‘good’.

I suppose I’m no longer puzzled as to why we didn’t seem to improve from the line, and maybe elsewhere, as the year progressed.

This loss is all on the coach. There are so many things he did wrong in this game but there are even more he does during the season. His lack of defense is glaring but that quote says alot to me about his state of mind, it appears he is incapable of seeing what is keeping his teams from going to the next level. One constant with Gott teams has been a lack of discipline. Our program is not “on the rise”. It is firmly entrenched and will stay there. Next year all we will hear is “this is a young team who lost its leading scorer”. It will be another year similar to this one. Losing a lot of games they should win (because they, also, will lack the ability to win the close games), bubble talk and then an over all dissapointing season.

Let me ask this, do you think a K coached team would do what we did last night? Nope
Would a Bennet team? No
Would a Bzzzz team? well yeah