Reply To: Asheville Citizen-Times: Tar Heels have lost their way

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There used to be a comment to be “nice” when posting on the old site….

God (and maybe he does not know….or care) only knows what lurks in the head of ORW.

Many of my UNC fans are less than positive on him an shudder when the TV show him with a microphone. BUT, they note that they have a dilemma….there is no “RW in waiting”. SO, they don’t know WHAT would happen. Many actually think that having Bubba in place is a blessing as some of the inbreeding of the UNC system is not good….so maybe Bubba would hire someone that did not wear the blue and white for UNC.


I don’t know how many of you saw the N&O Opinion or Editorial in the Print Edition this morning…..

When you read it…..look at the 3 questions at the end. Maybe they should have restated them as statements and said….

There is OBVIOUSLY a Lack of Institutional Control that the NCAA needs to look at based on the following….

Why are these questions and not points?

I get the MOST distinct feeling that Mrs. Folt, the new chancellor is concentrating on redecorating her office suite and her box at Kenan, rather than bothering herself with the minutiae of the non-compliance of the AD.

I also think that UNC’s fan based is eroding…..and have proof of that. Last Christmas Eve, we went to Moore Square to hand out food, toiletries, and clothing. It was a project of our church. I noticed a LOT of the folks accepting them were wearing UNC colors….I asked a couple of them and they said that they were not UNC fans, but there was more UNC stuff donated to the various charities and that had increased in the past couple of years….

One laughed and said……”I guess those Tarheels aren’t as proud as they once were and don’t want to wear the stuff….but we take what we are given”….obviously a very intelligent person who has fallen on hard times but keeps with current events.

Happy New Year….