Reply To: Asheville Citizen-Times: Tar Heels have lost their way

Home Forums All StateFansNation Asheville Citizen-Times: Tar Heels have lost their way Reply To: Asheville Citizen-Times: Tar Heels have lost their way


It just amazes me that as a major University they wouldn’t take Academic cheating/fraud more seriously. Regardless of all the other serious issues as a University (not the NCAA, not the press etc) how can this be acceptable? If I graduated from CH I would be pissed. I would want everyone who got credit for those classes to be out of there (they knew it was fake) and/or at least the course taken again prior to credit being received. Plus, why can’t other students cheat? I mean if it isn’t that big of a deal it sure would make college easier…

We aren’t just being bad rivals here with our opinion. If Gottfather or DD did the same thing I would be just as pissed, we all would be pissed. We all know being a student athlete has some perks but the days of fake classes are long gone. How an Alumni, donor or student thinks this is ok is just beyond me. We all want to win and have monster success no matter what. However, my degree makes my money to put back into the program so I kind of think academic fraud is a big deal.

Off the soap box now….nothing to see here. Move along folks this is just daily business next door.