Reply To: Asheville Citizen-Times: Tar Heels have lost their way

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The problem is that this in an op-ed article in the Asheville paper, not in Sports Illustrated or on “Outside the Lines”. The heavy hitters continue to remain blissfully ignorant of the whole thing. The only time it gets mention on ESPN is when one of the talking heads blabbers on about how the big, bad NCAA is the group in the wrong. They are at least partially right, the NCAA is in the wrong, but not because of how they treat “student” athletes, but because of how they have time and time again looked the other way when the big time programs break the rules. They have effectively neutered themselves, and the impending demise is at least partly their own fault. But none of that should detract from the fact that the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a festering cesspool of illegalities, hypocrisies, and corruption.