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In my time to choke meant that you let the pressure get to you and missed a critical shot due to tension. It wasn’t a general term meaning all the things you say it means.

I wasn’t questioning anyone’s fandom, I was questioning your “big talking,” saying the team choked when you don’t have a clue what choking is.

I know we aren’t supposed to cite Wikipedia as a credible source, so here’s another:

Note, the examples in the Wikipedia article include the 2016-17 Atlanta Falcons, and the Fab 5 vs UNX Chris Webber debacle.

The difference here, is that I’m not happy to say that we choked on Wednesday. It’s what I saw. I take no glee in pointing out my observation. We were performing well, had a great season by all expectations. Went into the tournament favored to win that first game. And blew it. We got upset. You can say Robinson had a bad game the last time we played them, etc. But on paper, and in reality, we should have won that game and then I could see us losing to Clemson–a much better team than BC.