Reply To: Tournamenttime – Game 1 – Boston College

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I did coach my son one season in baseball (7th grade), and that was the only season out of 11 that I had a parent ask me “why I was starting my son and not her’s?”

I have never had that happen. If course before this season my kids weren’t the best on the team either. I tend to be tougher on my child than the others so that probably factors into it.

I liked coaching basketball and the leagues they were playing in weren’t ultra competitive so we all enjoyed it.
I have been forced to coach soccer and frankly I don’t like it. I played high school soccer but the game is so different now. And casl had a bunch of nut job parents who all think their kid is getting a scholarship and none of them are. My kids play for fun and I figure why have kids if you aren’t going to be involved in their lives.