Reply To: Sun Bowl 2017 pre-game warmup…

Home Forums StateFans Football Sun Bowl 2017 pre-game warmup… Reply To: Sun Bowl 2017 pre-game warmup…


Great game yesterday, felt like the Pack was in control for the entire game.

I wouldn’t be surprised next season to see Hines moved to Samuels’ spot and Gallaspy taking over as the primary ball carrier. That dude has languished behind some good runners, but he has done a pretty good job when he gets touches, and he is the bruiser runner. That would then leave those two positions open the year after for Pennix and Person, who along with Leary (assuming Finley doesn’t leave) would all have a year of college football under their belts and 3 years to play together. And both Pennix and Person could be worked into the rotation next year to give them quality playing time…assuming, of course, that they are both up to the jobs.

I like where you are looking!! Gallaspy on the inside and Hines with the jet sweeps and other roles JaySam had. My only rap on Hines, Des Kitchings really, is he hasn’t been coached to turn it up field. Stringing it outside sometimes works but often is a set-up for lost yards.

We are starting to become a team that reloads, not rebuilds. 2018 will be a very informative year.