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Grey: I honestly find your defense of DD as or more tiring than you find my posts.

Rye, I don’t find your posts tiring but I do find it interesting that on a site where darn near every post criticizes DD, you find my post defending DD tiring. What you call defending, I call clarifying. Mostly I try to point out how the coaching of our team works structure and delegation wise. I know, I know, you don’t want to hear it.

but I can tell you that DD is the responsible party, and then is the one that often blames the players, refs, laptops, etc. when they don’t work out.

Thanks for letting me know DD is the responsible party. That’s a little condescending, don’t you think? Your interpretation of what DD says at the pressers says more about you than him. I have heard veiled complaints about refs — you can’t complain or be critical without paying a big fine — but I never heard DD blame a loss on refereeing. What would be an accurate statement is YOU claim he OFTEN blames players, refs, laptops, etc. when they don’t work out — what ever “when they don’t work out” means.