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Rye, Ever wonder why we have coaches come to us for jobs and so few leave for parallel jobs? Me too. What has Doeren done to create this? I’d say he has created and fostered a culture that is unique or semi-unique to NC State.

In addition to the long hanging fruit such as vision for the future, family atmosphere, and sensible working hours with time for family, I’d say he has structured his staff for participation in the decision making process. Every coach but the newest 2, Dan Patrick and Aaron Henry have title/responsibilities besides position coaching.

I’ve worked places where I had a job to do and that’s all and I’ve worked places where I was a part of building a business. Not hard to figure which was more rewarding. Our coaches share building a team. It must be vary hard to give Drink free rein when things do go so well but he does.

Our coaches seem to be in it for the long haul — Doeren’s best job of retaining recruits since he’s been here IMO.

About this Co-coordinator thing, Roof seems not to be a great recruiter and Hux is. The titles are shared but the responsibilities are divided. Maybe, if not hopefully, Roof will have a bigger part of what we know as DC and Hux will take on other responsibilities such as being in contact with defensive recruits with Des doing his thing with the offense.

I know the expanded time allowed for recruiting has been a concern for DD. Vacation time with families is reduce, etc. Maybe hiring Roof is part of a solution to this perceived problem.

Colleges and recruiters are making contact with sophomores and freshmen now. The earlier the contact, the better relationship you can establish. We know many kids sign with school because of the position coach or recruiting coach. Keeping the coordinator title makes sense in this context. More prestige in being recruited by the co-DC than the ex-DC. 😉

Hux may not be the very best tactical DC, but few in coaching more well thought of as a person or better liked that Hux. That’s important in establishing relationships with HS coaches. The more I think about this, the better I like it.

Just thinking out loud.