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Grey: DD still has mind boggling in game decisions, and many of the things you mention. With an op Ion to pick up an extra coach, I would have thought we’d have focused on the most obvious weakness, but maybe we did. The off-season is not over yet, so more moves may still be made.

What I would say on Beamer is that it absolutely was a pipe dream. I do find it ironic that some dreamers on this site would in turn scoff at an admitted one. What I would say though is that many times when people feel like they left a little too early, they come back for another run, at a lesser position and doing what they liked (and less of what a hey didn’t). I’m not sure if many are aware of this, but Beamer was dealing with cancer his last years at VT, but that has seemingly since cleared. Cancer can change one’s time table on certain decisions. I’ve seen it numerous times. It’s clear it isn’t happening and never was, but that doesn’t make it a bad idea and one worth inquiring about.