Reply To: So, Ya Got a Visit To South Bend

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Well, Yogi, if you think it was bad last week prepare to see it again.

I am of the opinion that the injuries and int for a td were the biggest factors of the game. The pick 6 was a close one.. close enough so that I can chalk it up to a bad break where we could have executed better.

My disappointment in coaching staff is that we were caught a little flat footed after the bye and were virtually dead from an offensive standpoint when Hines went down. Now, if Notre Dame loses Adams, they may be saying the same thing and we may be looking at gameday and an 8 pm kickoff.

Again, this doesn’t mean I don’t think the program is heading in the right direction. I just think one of DD’s weaknesses is in game adjustments and making lemonade out of lemons. (This is counter-balanced with his strength in overall preparation which of given the choice of two traits, I would rather have a builder than a magician.)